Religious Education
Subject Lead - Mrs Harrison
Nominated Governor - Mrs S Richards
Let Your Light Shine
It is through our Religious Education that we can provide children with a foundation of values on which to build their lives, give them the opportunity to start discovering who they are and their place in the world and give them a greater understanding of the faith and behaviour of their neighbours.
Here at St Cuthbert’s Primary school we believe that high quality, carefully prepared and enthusiastically delivered R.E. has the potential to have the greatest and most lasting effect on a child’s mind. Therefore, through R.E. they are being prepared for life!
Our caring ethos and the value which we place on the development of the whole child; spiritually, morally, socially, culturally and intellectually is reflected in the RE curriculum.
We have strong links with our parish church St Cuthbert’s and children enjoy regular visits to church throughout the year, including Harvest and Mothering Sunday Services. We also celebrate Eucharist in school, children in all year groups as well as parents are invited to join in our Eucharist celebrations in our school hall.
Click HERE to watch a short video guide to St Cuthbert's by our school council.