
Subject Lead - Mrs Galley

Nominated Governor - Mrs N Murphy

Science is a core curriculum subject. It is taught for 1 1/2 hours every week in Key Stage 1 and for 2 hours in Key stage 2. Our curriculum ensures knowledge, scientific enquiry skills and working scientifically skills progress throughout the school. Our school curriculum aims to foster a deep respect and responsibility for our environment and as such, we also follow a sustainable development programme also.

Science is high profile in our school and is enjoyed by all pupils. We often celebrate particular national events or weeks, such as Space Week. Science is enhanced in our school through trips and visitors, for example Jodrell Bank, Martin Mere, a visiting planetarium, a local farm, and many more.

Visitors come annually to talk to the Year 6 class, explaining their work and how they apply science in their roles. We have enjoyed visits from an aquatic ecologist, a pharmacist, a green energy engineer, an orthodontist, a farmer and many more.

We are committed to providing as many hands-on learning experiences as possible. Each class experiences science first hand through a variety of ways; we have chicks hatched from eggs, butterflies from caterpillars, moths from silk worms, an ant farm and even a wormery!

We recently had a sunflower growing competition. A boy in Year 6 grew one to a height of 2.19 metres! He won a bundle of Science goodies. 

Please take a look at the pictures below...

Halsall St Cuthbert's CE Primary School

New Street, Halsall, Ormskirk, Lancashire L39 8RR

Miss Kate Hampson (headteacher)

01704 840

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