
Curriculum Statement

Since 2014 we have followed the programmes of study outlined in the revised National Curriculum, which all local authority-maintained schools are required to teach.

Whilst following local and national guidance, we have developed our curriculum specifically to meet the needs of our school community.  Whilst there is a focus on English and Maths, this is not at the expense of a broad and balanced curriculum. The curriculum at Halsall School has been carefully designed in consultation with children, staff, governors and parents.  It is our aim to educate the children of Halsall School to an exceptional standard, ensuring that they leave us as well-rounded, confident and respectable young Christians through ambitious, high quality teaching, learning and experiences.

In all areas of the curriculum, we actively develop children’s ability to express themselves in a variety of situations, confidently and respectfully. We foster a sense of responsibility for ourselves, each other, our environment and our planet. Our pupils are offered the opportunities to excel in all areas of the curriculum, whether it be creatively, musically, academically or through sport.

The golden threads of our curriculum are :

Environment and locality

Expression and confidence

Equality and diversity 

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Halsall St Cuthbert's CE Primary School

New Street, Halsall, Ormskirk, Lancashire L39 8RR

Miss Kate Hampson (headteacher)

01704 840

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